Home Other Condolences: How to write condolences?

Condolences: How to write condolences?


Condolences is an expression of regret, grief and above all compassion, offered someone because of the death of a loved one. They can have an oral or a written form.

In the case of writing condolence letters, the letter should be personal in its nature. Instead of escaping the clichés (which can be accepted in case of official letters) try to write something from your heart. Describe your own emotions and sympathy for the family facing the loss. Of course, the closer you were with deceased person, the more ardently you can describe your feelings. Pay attention to the advantages of the deceased, bring to mind the time spent together.

Moreover condolences should contain expressions of solidarity for the family and a declaration of support.


  • Sender’s address;

  • Date;

  • Recipient’s address;

  • Salutation (e.g. “Dear Mrs. Kowalska”, “Dear Marek”, “Dear Colleagues and Friends”);

  • Key phrase (.e.g. “We would like to express our regret …”);

  • A reference to the fact of receiving the news about the death;

  • Description of your own relationships concerning the deceased, concerning receiving this message;

  • The expression of pain and grief of the loss;

  • Pointing out that the deceased was a good and worthy man;

  • Description of your own relationships with the deceased, the memories associated with him/her;

  • Few words lifting the family’s spirit, suggestions of being helpful in such a difficult situation;

  • Salutation (e.g. “Sincerely”);

  • Handwritten signature.


Condolences – template
[Sender’s address]

[Recipient’s address]

Dear ………………,


Yours sincerely,

Example 1: Condolences to a friend

Condolences to a friend – example

Dear Mark,

The news about the death of your wife was a shock to me. Yesterday, I could not sleep for a long time and I stared at our old photos from a trip to Gdańsk. There was Kasia on them; she always was full of energy and a desire to conquer the world. Besides, she was a great friend. With such a woman, there are only good memories, although now it is them that cause the greatest pain.

I really do not know how to comfort you. There are no words that can describe what happened. She was great and I think you should be grateful for those years you spent together. Maybe it was not always fun, but do try to remember only the best moments, keep in mind happiness which fate has given you.

My thoughts are with you. If only I could help you with anything let me know. Keep your spirits up.


Example 2: Official condolences

Official condolences – example

Dear Madam,

We would like to express our sincere condolences on Your husband’s death.

We have been shocked to the core by the tragic news. We have known Your husband for many years as a nice and a trustworthy person, we could always count on him. Such people are rare, they are exceptional that is why this loss seems to be even more painful.

We wish you to be strong enough to bear this pain. If we could help in any way please call us without any hesitation.

We are sending You genuine words of sorrow and sincere compassion coming from the bottom of our hearts

Jan and Barbara Nowak

Example 3: Official condolences

Official condolences – example

Dear Madam,

With deep regret and sadness we have received the news of Your husband’s death. Still, it is hard for us to accept it.

Such a wise, honest and noble man has left. He was a good friend and a supervisor. He had knowledge and experience, which for many years have served our company. His organizational talent, positive attitude, humour always created a positive atmosphere in the office.

It is not easy to find words of comfort in these difficult days. However, we wish strength to bear the pain and we would like to express the hope that the time will ease the loss. Please accept our deepest sympathy.

Yours in grief
Management and staff



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