Email with application documents
CV’s and cover letters as well are sent through electronic way. E-mail with an application documents attached, should include only few sentences. When sending a message that way, you should obey few rules.
First of all, you should watch out of non-formal style of statement, which operates on the Web and do not send an application for more than one recipient.
It’s good to create a special email address for purpose of searching jobs. You cc use your name and surname, like e.g. It looks more professional rather than e.g. Try to avoid using your current job email address for this purpose.
How should an email look like? You must:
- Properly title your message header like e.g. including position for which you search for;
- Using formal language, appropriate words are: “Dear Sir”, “Ladies and Gentlemen”, “Yours faithfully”;
- Do not use emoticons;
- Properly title sent application documents e.g. by using your own name and surname (e.g. “CV_Jan_Nowak.pdf”);
- Include CV and cover letter in attachments using most popular file extensions (.doc, .pdf), using .pdf file extension is recommended, because of its aesthetics;
- Except CV and cover letter you can send scans of held certificates and etc., while they’re revenant to applied job position.