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Academy Smart Talks – Insights from Scientists’ Work at the Museum of the Earth

Eight researchers of various nationalities and disciplines will be paired up to engage in casual conversations about their work. The event will take place on October 26th at the Museum of the Earth in Warsaw.

As part of the Academy Smart Talks event organized by the Polish Academy of Sciences, eight scientists representing different areas of knowledge will be paired up. Participants will take the stage and have free-flowing discussions about their research, inspirations, youthful fascinations, scientific careers, and the challenges they face.

During their 20-minute presentations, the scientists will attempt to extract a few “insights” and as many facts as possible from each other.

In this edition, the following individuals will participate: Imran Sarihasan (Turkey), Maciej Bartosiewicz (Poland), Monika Chwalczuk (Poland), Syed Ahmed Shah (Pakistan), Olha Tikhonova (Ukraine), Mitrajit Ghosh (India), Shumaila Razzaque (Pakistan), and Juris Burlakovs (Latvia).

These guests represent sociology, psychology, chemistry, history, geophysics, biology, geochemistry, and environmental engineering.

“Each of them will strive to capture the hearts of the audience. On the stage, they will need to collaborate and demonstrate their skills in presenting complex issues in a simple manner, translating from ‘expertise to everyday language.’ The audience in the room will hear, among other things, about the potential impact on the daily lives of each of us that the research conducted by PAS fellows will have,” comments Professor Paweł Rowiński, the coordinator of the PASIFIC program.

As part of the PASIFIC scholarship program – Polish Academy of Sciences’ Individual Fellowships: Innovation & Creativity, which has been in operation since 2021, 48 scientists from 19 countries have come to 25 PAN institutes in the last two years.

Academy Smart Talks is an event for high school students and Warsaw residents who appreciate scientists and are interested in scientific research. Its main idea is to inspire young people with a scientific career path – encouraging them to expand their horizons, develop their passions and self-realization, and introduce them to the global community of scientists conducting research in Poland.

The event will take place on Thursday, October 26, 2023, at the Museum of the Earth of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, starting at 11:00 AM at 20/26, 27 Na Skarpie Avenue (lower room of Villa Pniewskiego).

The event will be conducted in English, and it is free and open to all interested individuals. To participate, you can visit the website, fill out the form, and submit your application.

The audience will include Warsaw high school students who will ask questions prepared in advance as part of their school lessons after each performance.

Everyone attending the event will have the opportunity to visit the Museum of the Earth in Warsaw free of charge on that day.


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