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Job description: How to write a job description?

Jak napisać opis stanowiska pracy?

Jak napisać opis stanowiska pracy?

If you believe that you should verify or write again a description of job in your company, you should read this article.

Job descriptions

A work post is the smallest position in the organizational structure of the company. It is separated with regard to a specific professional action or a group of such actions, which are taken by a single employee.

Description of a work post is a list of requirements made in writing towards a person that occupies this position. It should be compact and written in a simple language. A choice of elements that should be located there needs to be well thought. It may turn out that the work position is not needed or on the contrary, there is a need to divide the planned action into several positions.

There is no place for subjective opinions of the person preparing a description of a work position. It should limit to information on work that needs to be performed, and requirements towards it.

Job descriptions are used for numerous purposes. They are applied in recruitment and selection of candidates, employment planning, training, evaluation, motivation of workers, etc.


Not all of the above mentioned elements need to be included in the description of the work positions, and it is sometimes necessary to add several more. While planning separate elements, you need to take into account a required degree of the worker’s autonomy. If he occupies a high position, he needs to prove creativity, a description of this work position should be more general, providing him with greater freedom. If in the organization there is a stiff and formalized structure, description of the work environment should be more detailed.


Job description – template

Name of the position: …………………….
Organizational unit: …………………….
What controls the unit: …………………….
Responsible for employees: …………………….
Aim of the position: …………………….
Responsibilities and duties: …………………….
Internal relationships: …………………….
External relationships: …………………….
Criteria of work evaluation on this position: …………………….
Required education: …………………….
Required professional experience: …………………….
Required competences: …………………….
(data and employee’s signature)
(data and supervisor’s signature)


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