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How to write a response to the invitation (confirmation or rejection)?

Jak napisać odpowiedź na zaproszenie (potwierdzającą lub odmowną)

Jak napisać odpowiedź na zaproszenie (potwierdzającą lub odmowną)

Letter of Acceptance and Rejection

A written response to the official invitation can make trouble, because there is no possibility of using ready-made formulas and you have to write it yourself. First of all, the answer must be in writing to thank you for the invitation and unambiguously determine whether it accepts the invitation or not. In the latter case, in good taste will give a reason for the refusal.


  1. Sender address;
  2. Date;
  3. Recipient address;
  4. Salutation (eg. “Dear Kasiu”, “Sir”);
  5. Thanks for the invitation;
  6. Reply confirming or refusing the invitation;
  7. Ensuring that it is very sad that you cannot attend the ceremony or the expression of joy and expectation, if you accept the invitation;
  8. Alternatively submitting requests (for the wedding);
  9. Salutation (e.g. “Sincerely”) and signature.


Letter of Acceptance and Rejection – examples

Dear Sir,
Thank you for the invitation to a conference organized by you under title: “The educator in the modern world”. I am very glad that you asked me to participate in it as a speaker.
Very happy to take part in the conference. I would like to give a lecture on how the teacher is seen in the modern world and how its role has changed in the XXI century. I will send you an abstract of his speech very soon.
I am glad that your company came with this initiative. I look forward to the conference, the more it will be my first visit to London.

Jan Nowak


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