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Thank-you letter: How to write a thank-you letter?

Thank-you letter: How to write a thank-you letter?

Thank-you letter: How to write a thank-you letter?

Tips · Scheme · Template · Thank-you letter for the doctor – example · Thank-you letter for condolences – example

Thank-You Letter

Praise is an expression of gratitude to the feelings of another person. It may take the form of writing. They are used in a situation where you feel particularly obligated (required) for help, favor, etc., that the other person has done for you. It should then write a letter, which refers to this particular situation, containing the appreciation and gratitude for the recipient.
Sometimes sends the card at an appropriate formula of the finished, but this is not always sufficient. Isolated written letter will be a more personal gratitude.



  1. Address of the sender;
  2. The recipient;
  3. Date;
  4. Salutation (eg. “Sir”, “Dear Tom”);
  5. Referring to the situation that took place and to emphasize the feeling of gratitude;
  6. Expression of appreciation for the gesture, action, assistance, etc.;
  7. Expression of readiness to come to the aid for revenge;
  8. Wishing all the best;
  9. Salutation (eg. “Yours faithfully”, “Yours sincerely”) and signature.


Thank-you letter – template
[Sender’s address]

[Recipient’s Address]


Dear Mr. / Ms. ……………………..,

only by your commitment I was able to…………………….. I would like to thank you with all my heart for……………………..

Few people would keep up as you. I realize that…………………….. In when……………………..

I feel obligated to……………………..

For everything that you done for me thanks again.  I wish you………………………

Yours sincerely,

Tips · Scheme · Template · Thank-you letter for the doctor – example · Thank-you letter for condolences – example

Example 1

Thank-you letter for the doctor – example

Dear Dr. Robinson,
my wife is staying at home for a few days again. I realize that this was possible only thanks to your extraordinary commitment. I would like to thank you jointly with all my heart for their help and support.
After the accident, which was, I began to lose hope that I’d see a smile on face again of my wonderful, always cheerful wife. Luckily we got to you, and it is thanks to the efforts of you our fears of the past, and my Anna smiles again. I believe that now everything will work out.
I also thank the nurses and all the staff of the hospital, which is that all the people who behaved very professionally, and at the same time with the human warmth and kindness. Just knowing that my wife is in such good hands, was of great importance to me.

Yours sincerely,
Tomasz Jackowski

Example 2

Thank-you letter for condolences – example

Dear Mr Smith,
thank you for your condolences submitted after the death of my husband. Your warm words about it gave me great comfort. Allowed me to realize how great respect my husband enjoyed in his workplace.
Husband have devoted much time to work, engage in it all by myself and was glad with the success of “his”, as he used to say, of the company. He was closely associated with it, and it was important for him to fulfill his duties conscientiously. In this way he felt he was doing something useful, he was proud of it.
Once again, thank you for your words of encouragement. I appreciate the support that you offered and with satisfaction I can see, that my husband is also remembered now.

Yours sincerely,,
Barbara Nowak


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