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NCN: Over 15 Million PLN for 13 Polish-Chinese Research Projects

In the 3rd edition of the international SHENG competition for Polish-Chinese research projects, 13 projects with a total value of over 15 million PLN will be financed, as announced by the National Science Center on Wednesday. Among them is a project related to using science to combat climate change.

As conveyed by the National Science Center, the international bilateral SHENG 3 competition for Polish-Chinese research projects is organized by the NCN in collaboration with the Chinese agency National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), following a parallel evaluation procedure. “This means that both agencies conduct a parallel formal and substantive evaluation of applications, and funding will only be granted to projects that simultaneously receive recommendations from both the NCN and NSFC,” it was explained.

Researchers could submit applications in selected disciplines of natural and technical sciences as well as social sciences. In the recently concluded SHENG competition – as indicated by the NCN – 125 applications were submitted, of which “only 5 concerned research in the field of social sciences.”

Among the applications qualified for funding, there is 1 project from the HS group (humanities, social sciences, and arts – PAP) and 12 from the group of natural and technical sciences.

The following entities were listed on the financing list: Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (over 1.209 million), Institute of Physics Polish Academy of Sciences (over 574,000), two projects from Warsaw University of Technology (over 1.472 million and almost 1.658 million), Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences (over 1.670 million), University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (610,000), University of Warsaw (over 280,000), Lodz University of Technology (over 876,000), Military University of Technology (over 1.624 million), University of Zielona Góra (866,000), Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center PAN (over 1.283 million), Wrocław University of Technology (over 1.840 million), and Jagiellonian University (almost 852,000).

The funded research – as stated by the NCN – will be conducted in both Poland and China, and each project will be overseen by two directors: one on the Chinese side and one on the Polish side. The received funds – as informed – can be allocated to research, remuneration of the research team, scholarships for students or doctoral students, purchase or production of scientific research equipment, and cover other costs associated with necessary expenses for the implementation of the Polish part of the research project.

Among the projects that will receive funding, the National Science Center pointed to a team from Warsaw University of Technology led by Prof. Małgorzata Kujawińska, in collaboration with scientists from Nanjing University of Science and Technology. “They will work on new non-fluorescent imaging tools for the analysis of individual cells, enabling scientists to efficiently study large populations with sub-cellular precision, with easy sample preparation and no risk of contamination,” it was stated.

On the other hand, the team led by Dr. hab. Piotr Matczak from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, in collaboration with scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, will address “a very relevant issue in the context of climate change – the problem of rising temperatures in urbanized areas.”

“For example, scientists will examine how the development of cities is associated with an increase in temperatures in their areas and whether and how urban heat islands can be neutralized or minimized through appropriate development of urban greenery and water reservoirs. As a result of the conducted research, recommendations will be developed to mitigate future effects of heat islands in both cities under investigation,” it was explained.

Paulina Kurek



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