Home Business SWOT analysis of the flower shop Coquette – example

SWOT analysis of the flower shop Coquette – example

Read the complete exemplary SWOT analysis of the flower shop “Coquette” which includes the description of the company, the evaluation of the factors, the detection of the relations, the evaluation of every strategy variant and the description of the strategy of the further procedures. If you want to see the process of the SWOT analysis creation, you can check it for free on the JakNapisac.com in the article SWOT analysis. The example of the SWOT analysis was created based on the guidelines included there.

Read the SWOT analysis prepared for the flower shop “Coquette”. The analysis is not only a table divided into four parts in which the random factors were usually written. It is a tool thanks to which you can choose a strategy for your company based on the actual strengths and weaknesses as well as the opportunities and threats present in its environment.

The complete text: SWOT analysis of the flower shop “Coquette”

Cover page

SWOT analysis of the flower shop Coquette

Table of content

Table of content

1. Characteristics of the examined enterprise
2. Company mission and aims
   2.1. Company mission
   2.2. Company aims
   2.3. Company strategy
3. Identification and the description of factors
   3.1. The list of factors
   3.2. Evaluation
   3.3. Strengths
   3.4. Weaknesses
   3.5. Opportunities
   3.6. Threats
4. Evaluation of the strategic position
   4.1. Detection of dependencies
   4.2. Evaluation of variants of strategy
5. Conclusions and choice of strategy
List of tables



The SWOT analysis was made for the newly established flower shop Coquette, which began its activity in 2023. The concept of the research used was to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the company, point out the opportunities and threats in its environment, and then set a strategy for further procedures. The subjects of the analysis were the current situation and the forecast for the future.

The flower shop Coquette sells cut and artificial flowers, pot plants, products for plant cultivation, and accessories. Our mission is to create outstanding flower compositions and provide professional floristic services. The bunches, bouquets, and decorations are made only from the highest quality flowers and products. The company is going to conduct online sales to reach a wide range of customers with its offer and to make sales easier.

A point of reference, hypothetically, is a perfect company for which we conducted a comparative analysis determining the strengths and weaknesses of the managed company and defined the opportunities and threats which appear in the sector. The results of the SWOT analysis will help the owners to make strategic decisions concerning the development of their company.

It is a fragment of the text. See more on JakNapisac.com – Shop.

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